Fraction Shortcuts

+- X /  Fractions

 Add/Subtract with Like denominators : 

 Denominators stay the same 

Add/Subtract with Unlike denominators :

Use number machine 

Add and Subtract with Mixed Numbers

Use number machineLeave mixed numbers alone—don’t spin!

What if you have to borrow?

Use number machine for fractions 

Take denominator and add to numerator to borrow.Don’t spin! 

Multiplying with like denominators

Multiply straight across (can look for cross relations)    

Multiply with Mixed Numbers

Doesn’t matter if different denominators

Spin mixed numbers

Place horizontally and look for criss-cross relations

Then multiply straight across

Fix improper fraction answers

Divide Like and Unlike Denominators 

Bizarro World

Division sign turns to X

Invert 2nd fraction

Look for criss-cross relations

Then multiply straight across

Divide Mixed Numbers


Change to X

Invert 2nd fraction

Criss-cross relations

Multiply straight across