Vocabulary Words

St. George and the Dragon

bellowed - made a loud, roaring sound

brandished - wave a weapon in a threatening manner

devour - eat greedily

perils - dangers

severed - cut off

Story 5=A Picture Book of Jesse Owens

exhibition - a public display - 86

pneumonia - a serious lung disease - 77

prejudice - fear or suspicion of a group, race or religion - 84

sharecroppers - farmers who pay rent by sharing the crops with the landlord of the land they are living on - 76

spectacle - a grand public performance , or making a fool of yourself- 86

Back to the Drawing Board

calculations - mathematical data - 93

erratic - unpredictable - 106

elated - 107 - very happy

descent  - 97 - the process of going downward

stabilize - 94 - make steady

thrust - 100 - driving force

Digging Up the Past

site - location, scene, or place

archaeologist - scientist who studies the life and culture of past peoples

artifact - object of historical interest made by humans

excavate - dig out, unearth

sift - sieve thru a screen to separate materials

Island of Bulls



People on the Beach








The Riddle of the Rosetta Stone

1. blockade  2. inscription  3. equivalents  4. associated  5. translate  6. decipher  7. embedded

His Majesty, Queen Hatshepsut


1.     frankincense2.    ibis3.    palanquin4.    lotuses5.    obelisk6.    anointing7.     myrrh8.    ablutionsComprehension Questions Set 11          

The Silk Route

artisans-skilled craftspeople

caravan - a group of merchants traveling together for safety through difficult or dangerous country

laden - loaded; burdened

nomads - tribes that move from place to place to find food or pasture for their herds.

yurts - circular, portable tents

Unit 3 Pretty Pennies Picket

1.     picket - to protest a company or business regarding its conduct or policy--277

2. good and honest faith - true honesty with good intentions - 273

3. human nature - the general traits and characteristics attributed to people - 273

4.    picket line - a boundary established by those on strike -- 277

5. refund - to give back money spent- 275